Thursday, March 7, 2013

Petty Theft hurts!

So my family home got broken into while everyone was at work... brick through the window and a whole big mess for really chump change.. literally... They stole change from a jar... who fking does that?  Stupid senseless destruction and disrespect for other people's time and property.  Things are settling down now, time to get an alarm system as my parents don't like dogs.  My friends and I both agree on a dog though but I don't want to bring home a pet if it's not going to be loved by everyone inside the house.

Been staying home all week and canceling evening plans to stay home with my mother, she's pretty shocked by the whole incident and doesn't feel safe yet.  I just changed the front door lock to give her piece of mind... she somehow thinks whoever broke in had time and the plan to wax copy our house key...  Which to me is absurd.  But just in case.

On happier notes, school is blazing by and it's a lot of fun.  We're finishing off Hamlet now and will move onto a book club assignment for March break.  I choose a book called "The Book of Negroes" as my first choice, no guarantees that I will get it though, but I'm hoping.  The other two choices are very interesting also; "What We All Long For" and "Three Days River"?  Not sure about the last title, but I do remember the author's names here.  Dionne Brand and Joseph Bryan(?)  Okay, not both, but it's for sure Joseph! :)


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