Saturday, February 9, 2013

The FLU is attacking!! *DEFEND*

Well well, after shoveling snow for 3 nights and walking in the storm for 3 days, I've finally succumbed to a sore throat and extreme watering nose; which means the full blown head ache and fever is not far behind.  Hopefully it will be a short bout with lots of water and restful sleep!  Before I become a flu zombie, lets review my thoughts for the past weeks and note down memories worth saving.

Jan 30th - I delivered my 2nd speech for Toastmasters speaking on the topic of the word "Free".  I feel I still didn't prepare enough this time around and need to get better than that for my 3rd.  Practice makes perfect and I need to practice out loud on my own before delivering in front of my peers.  For once again, I've improvised the majority of the speech while touching on my main points.  I've learned that what reads well on paper does not sound natural come speaking it out loud.  Must revise and perfect a speech the way I would speak.  As my English teacher has taught me, writing a good sentence is hard work, and writing a good speech full of sentences is even harder!  My 3rd speech I am challenging myself to do just that, make it smooth and flow naturally as I would speaking improv.

Feb 5th, First day of class : Grade 12th ENG.  Back to highschool again but this time in a room full of mature students like myself.  It's an good environment, one I think I will enjoy especially paired with my Toastmasters experience.  My hopes for this class is to improve my writing style and organization of my thoughts.  As with my speech writing, it took me a long time (editing my 2nd speech on the bus) to really focus on what the manual assignment was and narrowing down the points that would fit the objectives of that project.  I feel this class was a great idea as the afternoon math class was unavailable this quad.  We're doing Oscar Wilde, time to pick up his works and read ahead.

Feb 9th, Today, snow snow snow is melting... yay... I am feeling a little sick.  Need to stay ahead and just drink water like crazy.  My nose is making Niagra Falls look like a small leak.  Can't let this beat me!  Water Water Water@!


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