Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fish + veggies week 3; thoughts

Been 22 days since new years and I can say that I'm hungry a lot so I end up eating many small meals through out the day, which is a good thing.  Although with this cold ass winter in Toronto, I have to bundle up more than when I was eating meat.

Something about eating fat of another animal gives the body extra energy to stay warm, especially right after a meal.  Physically, I've noticed a feeling of being slimmer.  I haven't weighed myself yet, I will do that at the end of January.  Mentally, I feel more alert, even on less sleep, I am able to function through out the day with little need of caffeine, just plenty of water is suffice.

Of course, lack of sleep is never good, so after working the weekend and waking up early Monday for Red Cross.  I sleep like a log until late morning on Tuesdays.  This will have to change once school starts Feb. 5th.  No more staying up late.  Have to really work on sleeping before midnight!


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