Sunday, January 27, 2013
Life advice from a plumber, No, he wasn't SuperMario
I accepted his position on the subject and wanted to add my piece about how there are some employers out there that reward their workforce but decided against it as our elevator ride was coming to an end. He did get me thinking though, and he's not wrong. There are many employers that fail to fully manage and exploit their HR but providing an healthy and positive work environment. Example would be when I worked my ass off going above and beyond, there was initial recognition of my efforts, say a pat on the back and then a lashing for doing too much, what gives? I do my job with my 100% and more and rebuked?, and now there are times that another pat on the back once in a while wouldn't hurt to motivate me to do more again.
But anyways, he has his point of view, I have mine. It's good to share and view things from other people's perspectives.
Onto another topic, got to work on my CC#2. It's coming along okay but I am having trouble focusing the speech onto a coherent smooth piece tonight. I will give it a go tomorrow before and after vball. It's gonna be 101001010% times better than my impromptu icebreaker... as this time I will practice!! yes practice!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Fish + veggies week 3; thoughts
Something about eating fat of another animal gives the body extra energy to stay warm, especially right after a meal. Physically, I've noticed a feeling of being slimmer. I haven't weighed myself yet, I will do that at the end of January. Mentally, I feel more alert, even on less sleep, I am able to function through out the day with little need of caffeine, just plenty of water is suffice.
Of course, lack of sleep is never good, so after working the weekend and waking up early Monday for Red Cross. I sleep like a log until late morning on Tuesdays. This will have to change once school starts Feb. 5th. No more staying up late. Have to really work on sleeping before midnight!
Attack of the Vampire Black Cat!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Icebroken on the fly :-D
Lastnight at Toastmasters meeting, to my consternation, I was thrown into the deepend of the pool. Due to miscommunication via email with the nights` TM, I was scheduled to deliver my icebreaker speech CC#1 when I thought I had signed up to do it on the 30th.
Taking cue from Erna`s advice when given the opportunity, seize it! She called it the four S`s. Stand up, speak, shut up, and sit down.
After the social break, Nancy introduced me and up I went. I had three tales to share in my prepared speech. given the circumstances, I improvised the introduction and continued to my three stories about myself.
My transitions were sloppy as I had not practiced any of it. Heck, I was going to trim and edit my speech this weekend at work. But I got to tell the three stories and only went long over my 6 minutes because of two filler bits that wasn't even in my original speech.
This whole experience has taught me that knowing the material is important and some parts can be made up on the spot. But, that leads to lost of control of the time and transitions. So preparation is key to nailing that. Also I was nervous, so practice would removed that.
This weekend, I will go through my feedback from everyone and go writing my CC#2. For I was a speech to give on the 30th! :-)
I am glad I did it, everyone was very suppotive and encouraging. Also on a side note, next time as table topic master. Prepare the questions and make them unique so people cannot prepared ahead of time.