Sunday, February 17, 2013

Family Day Long Weekend

Amazing weekend so far with great friends.  Taught Ting, Ken and Leslie how to snowboard, they did really well for their first time.  Ting mastered her heel edge.  Leslie was able to tackle the greens with ease by midday.  Ken became the master of the toe edge.  I almost got him onto his heel for a bit but he was simply too tired.  John who was the most experienced out of all the beginners decided to go for it and nailed his transitions between heel and toe turns.  He and Leslie did their own runs while Sammy and I did a quick black at the end of the day.  Great progress for everyone, cannot wait for everyone improve to make a big skiing/snowboarding train down the slopes!  Chau decided not to snowboard this year and hiked her way around the resort, he must of walked over 15k today!!

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