Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 game sweep! Thankful :)

My Thursday night volleyball team has finally won 3/3.  On paper, individually we were all good players, but as a team we still needed to gel.  As the season went on, we improved as a team bit by bit and tonight we played like one, a winner!  I look forward to more competitive vball with my new vball friends in the coming winter season!   Like every aspect in life, it takes time and hard work / practice to become better.  Lets all apply this simple idea to all areas of our lives and make this world better.  I am grateful to be able to spent my time with leisure activities when many in this society have not enough food or shelter.  Millions and Millions around the world are hungry, sick, running for their lives.  I want to thank the universe for giving me all that I have and I want to share this thanks with everyone and hope their lives will improve for the better.


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